Scions of Enoch

Cult of Chroanti Quinous


The Scions of Enoch are traditional, dedicated and obsessive, these cultists are connected by an insatiable drive to discover secrets hidden in a lost language. Scions will pursue knowledge at any cost. Members of the Scions of Enoch quickly become obsessed with matters of the occult forsaking anything else, relationships, goals and even their own well being.

Deity — Chroanti Quinous

Beyond Time and Space, haggard, old and bent over, his weathered body has spent lifetimes supporting an old book in his hands. He is the keeper of Enoch, a speaker of a secret language whose shapes and sounds are as old as the universe in space. Insanity knows no limits when faced with the insurmountable ability to shape and control aspects from this world and further. Chroanti Quinous tempts his followers with the secrets of the arcane, while manipulating them to complete tasks to gain his favor. Chroanti Quinous fiercely protects the knowledge he carries in his flesh covered book, a ragged old artifact that holds the power of alchemy, demonology and necromancy.

Cult History & Description

In 1798 an affluent Englishmen served as host to the first gathering of a new society known as ‘The Scions of Enoch.’ David Henry Thorn and seven other white, well to do men, were the first to come together and discuss the lost language of Enoch as an academic pursuit. Each of them had knowledge of the language, granted by the elder god Chroanti Quinous. At first it seemed coincidence, but as the group studied they quickly learned they had been solicited, selected and primed by the ‘Keeper of the Language’ to succeed.

These eight men dove hard into the study. Unlike modern language, each sound in Enoch has the potential to summon the elements of the universe. Five of the original men died before they reached the age of forty, each death more grim than the last. Jason Matthews, the youngest of the original eight, died by being pulled apart at each joint of his body by unseen hands while his servants watched. His widow was forced to bury the remains in secret, fearing that other members of the sleepy Rhode Island community would suspect the dark arts her husband participated in.

Due to the fact that so many of the early members died young, the Scions of Enoch had to find ways to recruit. They did so with strict secrecy and specific protocols in place for membership. Once safeguards against detection by a nosy community, these societal customs have become a cultural identity for the members of the Scions. Only individuals seen with potential are invited to the cult, and members are typically chosen from areas of upper class and privilege. Once invited, initiates must withstand a multitude of grueling tests and ending with a ritual where Chroanti Quinous accepts the member as a student. Failures are often twisted by the god or other members into ritual items or sacrificed: nothing is wasted in the pursuit of knowledge.

It wasn’t until 1943 that the first woman was accepted into The Scions. An internal debate raged within the group about it being a prestigious gathering of men, and that adding woman to the ranks would only cause trouble. This changed with an invitee named Lillian Maycomber that won the debate for inclusion. With her husband away at the war, Lillian enrolled in a local university and studied the sciences. When she received the letter, written mostly in Enoch, she translated it within a few evenings and returned the letter to the Scions. She was rushed to their Lodge and inducted that evening.

Currently the Scions thrive in small populations of influential people. The selection and advancement process is still used from the original days, with little flexibility. Over the ages, the size has ebbed and flowed, as chapters opened across the United States, and then globally. It is not uncommon for these dedicated followers to compete with each other for prestige and the potential for further power, and horrific curses are levied against those that cross the paths of a vindictive Scion looking to secure power in their structure.

Chroanti Quinous Mythos

You’ve seen him before: that person watching the room, observing every small detail, ominous and menacing. Maybe you are ‘fortunate’ enough to have them come talk to you, and when the conversation was over you felt compelled to look deeper and search harder. This is an unhealthy search however. For those who become Scions of Enoch the inspiration quickly becomes a compulsion and obsession. Like an addict looking for a fix, worshippers of Chroanti Quinous are hungry for more knowledge, and it writhes in their souls coiling around their being like a worm.

Followers of Chroanti Quinous are locked into a rigid path. This path leads one of two places: the madness of knowing more than a mortal soul can support, or something more final than death. Chroanti Quinous scholarly pursuits include Necromantic works, and followers who can not meet the expectations set forth by Chroanti Quinous may find pieces of themselves used as ritual sacrifice or items for study, twisted into objects that provide knowledge or life force to allow the more worthy to succeed.

Chroanti Quinous is manipulative, and knows how to ask questions that tempt his followers through a challenge. He will then exploit their inquisitive nature to see how far each follower will go to gain more information, often pitting them against each others for resources. When Chroanti Quinous selects a student the bond is life long, intense and sworn over old blood magics.

Though anyone can start to learn the Enochian language on their own, being selected as a student of Chroanti Quinous offers a tutor in how to craft the language into magical ritual and spiritual power. This initiation is just the first of many ritual sessions to pay respect to The Keeper. Like all educators Chroanti Quinous evaluates his students learning, and rituals are one of the ways followers are able to demonstrate their learning.

Chroanti Quinous doesn’t waste his time with initiates who can’t offer him what he wants. He is disinterested in people who are bogged down with the struggles of basic survival. His followers must have enough spare time to dedicate themselves to their studies and rituals. Many of his followers were introduced to the occult by harmless exposure but showed true potential. The Keeper of the Language then fosters and cultivates their skills, but twists those who worship him into monsters who are incapable of anything but satisfying their thirst for knowledge.

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